Alexey Bogolyubov-E

Pomerania (Russia) 16 March 1824 – 27 October 1896, Paris

 After a brilliant career in Russia, he travelled in Europe between 1854 and 1860. On this occasion, he became a pupil of Thomas Couture (1815-1879) and Eugène Isabey (1803-1886) who made him discover Normandy where we find traces of his visit in 1857.

It is in Normandy, in Veules-les-Roses and its surroundings, that he became particularly known for his landscapes and seascapes. The village still keeps the memory of it today.

 He returned to Paris in 1873 where he received his Russian painter friends, including Ilya Repine (1844-1930). He became friends with Charles Daubigny (1817-1878), Jean-Baptiste Corot (1796-1875) and some painters from Barbizon.

He also travelled around our couty, looking for interesting landscapes. He set up his easel in Isle-Adam, Mériel, Auvers, Villiers-le-bel, but especially in Ecouen where he lived between 1880 and 1883. He painted 10 pictures there, almost all dated 1880, in which he sometimes appears.

 Back in Russia, he founded in Saratov, a large port on the Volga, the Radishchev Museum, named after his grandfather, which opened to the public on June 25, 1885. A great number of his paintings are exhibited there, as well as some by Camille Corot, Auguste Rodin, Ilya Repine and many other famous Russian painters.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Autumn in Ecouen
Landscape in Ecouen 1880
Grove in Ecouen
Radishchev Museum
Autumn in Ecouen
Bridge in Ecouen
Ecouen 1880
Painter in Ecouen

Charrin E

Pierre Joseph Charrin: 1784-1863

After working as a civil servant, he became a chansonnier and was one of the merrymakers who frequented the « Dîners du caveau moderne » and the « Soupers de Momus ». Less known than Berenger, he left a great number of songs and plays. He settled in Ecouen in 1844 in the Adeline property, where he died in 1863. He is buried in the cemetery of Ecouen. One of the painters of the Ecouen School, Luigi Chialiva, lived in the same house some time later.

Pierre-Joseph Charrin
"Amour, Honneur et devoir" play poster
Charrin book

de Lanessan E

Jean Louis de Lanessan: 1843-1919 (statesman and naturalist)

A scientist by training, he published a large number of works until the end of his life. He entered politics in 1879 and became a member of parliament in 1881, on the extreme left. He married in Ecouen in 1885, where he acquired a large country house. In 1891, he was appointed Governor General of Indochina until 1894. In 1896 he received President Felix Faure in Ecouen. Two years later, he became deputy of Lyon, radical, where he became the friend of Antoine Lumière, the father of the inventors of the cinema: we owe him the portrait of Lanessan which appears in the picture library of the town hall of Ecouen. A street in Champagne au Mont d’or bears his name. In 1899, he was appointed Minister of the Navy in the Waldeck-Rousseau cabinet, until 1902. His political career ended in 1914. We owe him, in Ecouen, the Hotel des Postes. He is buried with his wife in the cemetery of the town.

de Lanessan
de_Lanessan portrait
de_Lanessan book

Gustave Fraipont E

St-Josse-ten-Noode (Bruxelles) Belgium, May 9th 1849 – April 29th 1923, Paris

Gustave Fraipont was a student of Henri Hendrickx (1817-1897 ?).
After the war of 1870, in which he participated on the French side, he was naturalized French.
He made his debut at the Paris Salon in 1877 with lithographs and received a medal in 1882.
Residing in Paris, he exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1882, then at all the salons from 1896 to 1910.

From 1883, Gustave Fraipont specialized in the art of watercolor.
Gustave Fraipont was a drawing teacher at the educational institutions of the Legion of Honor in Écouen and Saint-Denis. He is credited with, among other things, an interesting painting of the castle of Écouen.

Gustave Fraipont worked as an illustrator of books and musical scores. He produced numerous posters for the western and northern railroad companies and for several theatres. He collaborates with many newspapers and magazines, in particular Le courrier Français and Paris illustré. He executed an important series of drawings for the Maggi collection and drawings on the old Paris and the Seine-et-Oise (Paris subburbs). For the magazine L’illustration, he created several compositions on monuments damaged by the war.

Gustave Fraipont is also a writer. He wrote treatises on the different drawing techniques for everyone’s use where he distinguished himself by the quality of his writing and the clarity of his explanations. He also published books for children. Between 1894 and 1904, he illustrated many books about the mountains of France.
Rarely has an artist built his reputation in so many different fields.
In 1896, he was named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and, in 1905, painter of the Navy. The painters of the navy have the privilege to add a naval anchor to their signature.

It is likely that as a drawing teacher at the Maison d’Écouen, he was in contact with the artists of the Colonie des peintres.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Gustave Fraipont
A l'ami Ducros_1889
Decoration project for a fan
Decoration project for a fan
Decoration project for a fan

Mary Louisa Stone E

New York, April 23rd 1839 – New York, October 2nd 1927

Mary L. Stone is born in New York, in a very wealthy family. Her father, Joel Stone, was a very successful importing and commission merchant in New York City. The family lived on Barclay Street in Downtown New York. MLS had three brothers, all older than she. Joel was born in 1827 and went into business in England. Charles Francis Stone (1834) went to Harvard, traveled in Europe and became a lawyer at G B’s Oxford University branch in NYC. He was lawyer and financier for Thomas Edison (1847-1931) among others. He and his family are reported to be very social and to entertain lavishly. Robert Stone (1838) studied medicine and moved to California as Medical Doctor.
In 1844, following the death of Mary L. Stone’s father, her mother moved to Nice (at that time Kingdom of Sardinia) with her three children to join her brother who was US Counsel.
Mary L. Stone mother went back to the US at some point and, upon her death in Mass, in 1854, Mary was sent to the progressive, exclusive prep school “Miss Porters School” in Farmington CT. For information, Jacqueline Bouvier (1929-1994), becoming US First Lady later, studied in this school.

Mary L. Stone illustrated at least nine children books. She was included in the 1870 editions of Riverside Magazine. Along drawings of Wilhelm Pedersen (1820-1859), she illustrated two US editions of Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1859).

Mary L. Stone hired a studio on the third floor of a NYU (New York University) building, home of the “National Academy of Design”. The male artists may have raised an eyebrow at a woman renting a studio but, her association with Edwin White (1817-1877), her teacher, granted her legitimacy.
At first glance, her placement on the third floor might be interpreted as an effort to contain women in one area but it’s more likely that she chose the studio because it was next door to that of her teacher. In doing so, she followed the footsteps of artists like Daniel Huntington (1816-1906), student and University Building neighbor of Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872) who twice served as President of the National Academy of Design.

During the 1868 – 1870 period, Mary L. Stone became quite successful. “The Ladies Repository”, a Universalist publication, praised her work in 1868, the year she left her studio in the University Building: “Miss Stone has a great deal of fancy, an excellent eye for grouping and composition, and is rarely at fault in drawing the human figure”.
The same year, in 1868, in an article named “History of Greenwich Village” from the NYU newspaper, it is said that she left for some times in Ecouen, France. We guess she stayed there until the 1870 war but we have no proof for it.

Her illustrations of reconstruction-era North Carolina were published in Harper’s Weekly in 1873. Five years later, in 1878, the writer and artist Horace J. Rollin (1845-1935) named Mary L. Stone alongside Mary Cassatt in a list of women artists “who are worthy of special mention” in his “Studio, Field and Gallery: A manual of painting for the student and amateur”. In 1878, she moved to the Artists Colony at Ecouen, France.

Mary L. Stone exhibited in Salon de Paris with, in 1878 a watercolor « La malle de Grand-père », in 1879 a painting “L’Angelus”, in 1880 a painting « Les enfants du village » and in 1881 a watercolor « Le repos ».

In 1880, her brother, Charles Francis Stone, bought a twenty rooms house belonging to the son of the illustrator John James Audubon (1785-1851) and had a tower built for her on its top floor. Charles Francis Stone was the head of a large family including nine children. Within her family, Mary was called “Aunt Polly”.

In 1881, when Cornelia Conant and Mary L. Stone were together in Ecouen, France. In February of this year, they write in their travel book: “A lot of treasures like antic tapestries, fantastic furniture, bronze art pieces and original China pieces”. All of these objects have been destroyed by the Prussians during the 1870 war.
The same year 1881, a New York Times reporter visited the colony and wrote that “A large number of Miss Stone’s paintings have found their way to America and have done much both there and abroad toward upholding the reputation of that country for producing artists of ability”.

In 1885, Cornelia Conant’s ten pages article about her visit with Mary L. Stone to Ecouen were published in the Harpers New Monthly.

Back in New York, Mary L. Stone lived on 12th Street and 5th Avenue not far from where Cornelia Conant lived in Brooklyn.

In 1895, she became involved in founding with Victoria Earle Matthews (1861-1907), born into slavery, to start an educational organization called “The White Rose Mission for Working Colored Girls”. Board meetings were held in the Mary L. Stone house. She remained a benefactor and patron and, when she was eighty years old, she became president of the White Rose Society.

She has never been married and had no children.

On October 4th 1927, her funeral took place in St. George’s Episcopalian Church in New York City. The negro choir sang the service, ending it with an old spiritual “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”.
She is buried close to her brother, in the beautiful Greenwood Brooklyn cemetery (lot 2470, section 22).

In 2019, a Mary L. Stone painting of mother and children in Normandy (France) was sold as auction and provenance was excellent, according to prestigious gallery Thomas Agnew & Son, London.

Mary L. Stone was a woman who directed her own career. For the past century, though, her name has been omitted from the lists of artists’ names who lived in the University building. It is time for that to change. In the twenty-first century, it is time to replace Mary L. Stone among her historical contemporaries.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Young Mary drawn by Mary Hallock
 Mary L. Stone 80 years old party (third row on the left)
Blondel singing to Coeur de Lion
 Young mother with children in Normandy
 In the Audubon park
Nuspreet (Holland)
Andersen books
 Illustration from Andersen book
Harper's weekly magazine

Charles Theodore Frère E

FRERE Charles Théodore, said FRERE BEY (Paris, June 21st 1814 – May 24th 1888, Paris).

Elder brother of Pierre Édouard Frère, he is one of the greatest orientalist painters of the time. He stayed in Écouen. In a letter of 1855, he said he lived in the Soyer house. In 1857, he wrote from the commune to Adolphe Beugniet, the art dealer. He painted a few works of genre painting there, before moving to Montmorency (Val d’Oise), and finding his artistic path in the Middle East.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Théodore Frère_photo Carjat
Rumeli-Hisar fortress
 Letter written in Ecouen
 Houses and boats in the Bosphore
Arabs in Alger