Guillaume Seignac-E

Rennes, September 25th 1870 – 1924, Paris

The youngest son of Paul Seignac, he was born in Rennes where the family had retreated with its first four children to be safe from the events of 1870. His childhood in Ecouen, in contact with his father and in the midst of this group of talented and fulfilled artists, must have naturally guided his choice to become a painter in his turn.
His training was acquired successively in three workshops: that of Tony Robert-Fleury, Gabriel Ferrier and finally – and this apprenticeship had a considerable influence on his career – he studied with William Bouguereau. The latter is one of the best painters of human anatomy.
Guillaume Seignac also specialized in nude painting, which became less traditional, to gain in frivolity. Nevertheless, it continues to be referred to as academic painting, sometimes called « pompous art » and it reserves a primary place for drawing, which takes precedence over color. Some of his works go beyond this framework: a little unexpected, this « Jesus among the doctors« . This other one during the 1914-1918 war, where he illustrates a poster intended to raise a loan to finance the purchase of weapons, or this young Alsatian woman shouting a joyful « At last » at the time of the 1918 victory.
In 1906, he donated to the town of Ecouen a painting entitled « The Muse« , with a familiar expression and which seems to owe to the accentuated antiquity only the drape of its clothing.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

guillaume seignac-selfportrait
The muse