This 214 pages, bilingual French/English book, written by Christian Dauchel, is a collection of short stories that allow the reader to penetrate the intimacy and atmosphere of the Ecouen Painters’ Colony. Its playful presentation is based on the idea of the American designer Dorothée Maver.
This book weighs 850 g, measures 21cm x 24 cm.
Ex works price : 25 Euros
S&H costs :
Europe : 11 Euros
Outside Europe : 23 Euros
Ways of payment:
– Via check issued by a French bank, payable to “L’Ecole d’Ecouen”, sent to:
Association “L’Ecole d’Ecouen”, Hotel de ville, place de la Mairie, 95440 – Ecouen, France.
– Via Paypal to the following address: « peintresecouen@yahoo.com »
For any other acceptable way, please contact us.